Dr Rola Hallam

|Award-winning frontliner turned

|Holistic health and workplace wellness doctor


“Your work continues to be paramount to all that is happening around the world.”

— Richard Plepler, Former Chairman and CEO, HBO

Rola is the first Syrian TED fellow. Watch her TED talk on the doctors, nurses and aid workers rebuilding Syria.

“It’s not just those of us on the frontlines of war who are suffering from burnout and trauma - this pain is reaching us all, in almost every workplace around the world AND I'M ON A MISSION TO CHANGE THAT.”

Dr. Rola Hallam


My big why

“Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world, today I am wise so I am changing myself.” - Rumi

The world needs more frontlines - visionaries, idealists, rebels and troublemakers. People willing and able to stand up, speak out and lead for change. People who know so deeply that to change the world we need to be that change, that it all starts within us. By prioritising ourselves - our own wellness, healing, growth and transformation, our evolution will catalyse and accelerate that of our species. 

And I am on a mission to make that happen. To help create a world full of inspired and energised frontliners, shining bright as they slay the dragons, face our collective shitshows and save us from armageddon so that we may heal our world and elevate humanity.